Down Symposium
Between the 6th and 8th of July 2022 the Department of Medical Genetics of the University of Szeged has organized the XVI. Down Symposium in the framework of the project „Romanian – Hungarian cross-border project with a broader focus on diagnostic procedures for infertility, healthy pregnancy and newborn care (ROHU-339)” at the Art Hotel in Szeged.
The main topics of the training were:
– Genetic diagnostic methods
– Obstetrical-gynecological genetics
– Oncogenetics
– Genetic counselling
– Genetic-based treatments
Thanks to the experts invited, the participants of the event have been able to gather valuable, new and world-class information.
The Final Project Promotion Conference
The Final Project Promotion Conference took place on December 15, 2023 at the OncoGen Centre of the Pius Brinzeu Emergency Clinical County Hospital Timisoara. The conference was devoted to presenting the activities and achievements of the Romanian partner, with an overview of the results achieved by the Hungarian partners prepared by the project manager from the University of Szeged.
The event consisted of two parts, the first one focusing on the project activities and results, while the second was a round table entitled “Living with Infertility: Health and Social Impact”, with invited speakers from other institutions and experts in domains that are paramount in dealing with the effects and burden of infertility: Lecturer Delia Huțanu, PhD, Biology; Radu Lazarovici, MD, PhD student, Psychiatry; Corina Neanu, Psychology; Lucian Florea, Theology. Prof. Izabella Petre, MD, PhD, Obstetrics-Gynecology, who is a member of the project team, joined our guests and contributed with her direct experience in this matter.